Собственные модули на C++


Godot позволяет улучшать себя модульным путём. Новые модули могут быть созданы, а затем включены или выключены. Это позволяет добавлять новую функциональность в движок на любом уровне без модификации ядра, что позволяет разделить для использования или повторного использования разные модули.

Modules are located in the modules/ subdirectory of the build system. By default, dozens of modules are enabled, such as GDScript (which, yes, is not part of the base engine), the Mono runtime, a regular expressions module, and others. As many new modules as desired can be created and combined. The SCons build system will take care of it transparently.

Для чего это?

While it's recommended that most of a game be written in scripting (as it is an enormous time saver), it's perfectly possible to use C++ instead. Adding C++ modules can be useful in the following scenarios:

  • Связка внешней библиотеки с Godot (PhysX, FMOD, итд).

  • Оптимизация критических частей игры.

  • Добавление новой функциональности в движок и/или редактор.

  • Портирование существующей игры.

  • Написание целой, новой игры на C++ поскольку вы не можете жить без C++.

Создание нового модуля

Before creating a module, make sure to download the source code of Godot and compile it.

Для создания нового модуля, первым шагом создайте директорию внутри modules/. Если вы хотите поддерживать модуль отдельно, вы можете назначить другую систему контроля версий(VCS) на модули и использовать её.

The example module will be called "summator" (godot/modules/summator). Inside we will create a simple summator class:

/* summator.h */

#ifndef SUMMATOR_H
#define SUMMATOR_H

#include "core/reference.h"

class Summator : public Reference {
    GDCLASS(Summator, Reference);

    int count;

    static void _bind_methods();

    void add(int p_value);
    void reset();
    int get_total() const;


#endif // SUMMATOR_H

А затем файл cpp.

/* summator.cpp */

#include "summator.h"

void Summator::add(int p_value) {
    count += p_value;

void Summator::reset() {
    count = 0;

int Summator::get_total() const {
    return count;

void Summator::_bind_methods() {
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add", "value"), &Summator::add);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("reset"), &Summator::reset);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_total"), &Summator::get_total);

Summator::Summator() {
    count = 0;

Затем, новый класс нужно где-то зарегистрировать, для этого нужно создать еще два файла:



These files must be in the top-level folder of your module (next to your SCsub and config.py files) for the module to be registered properly.

These files should contain the following:

/* register_types.h */

void register_summator_types();
void unregister_summator_types();
/* yes, the word in the middle must be the same as the module folder name */
/* register_types.cpp */

#include "register_types.h"

#include "core/class_db.h"
#include "summator.h"

void register_summator_types() {

void unregister_summator_types() {
   // Nothing to do here in this example.

Далее, мы должны создать файл SCsub чтобы система сборки скомпилировала этот модуль:

# SCsub


env.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp") # Add all cpp files to the build

С несколькими файлами кода, вы также можете добавить каждый файл отдельно в список строк Python:

src_list = ["summator.cpp", "other.cpp", "etc.cpp"]
env.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, src_list)

This allows for powerful possibilities using Python to construct the file list using loops and logic statements. Look at some modules that ship with Godot by default for examples.

Чтобы добавить директории включения(include) для компилятора, вы может добавить их в пути переменных сред:

env.Append(CPPPATH=["mylib/include"]) # this is a relative path
env.Append(CPPPATH=["#myotherlib/include"]) # this is an 'absolute' path

If you want to add custom compiler flags when building your module, you need to clone env first, so it won't add those flags to whole Godot build (which can cause errors). Example SCsub with custom flags:

# SCsub


module_env = env.Clone()
module_env.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp")
# Append CCFLAGS flags for both C and C++ code.
# If you need to, you can:
# - Append CFLAGS for C code only.
# - Append CXXFLAGS for C++ code only.

И наконец, файл конфигурации для модуля, это просто файл скрипта питона который должен быть назван config.py:

# config.py

def can_build(env, platform):
    return True

def configure(env):

The module is asked if it's OK to build for the specific platform (in this case, True means it will build for every platform).

Вот так. Надеемся это не было слишком сложным! Ваш модуль должен выглядеть примерно так:


Затем вы можете сжать и раздать модуль всем желающим. При сборке под каждую платформу (инструкции в предыдущих разделах), ваш модуль будет включен.


В модулях C++ для таких вещей, как подклассы, существует ограничение в 5 параметров. Это число можно увеличить до 13, включив заголовочный файл core/method_bind_ext.gen.inc.

Использование модуля

Теперь вы можете использовать ваш новый модуль из любого скрипта:

var s = Summator.new()

The output will be 60.


The previous Summator example is great for small, custom modules, but what if you want to use a larger, external library? Refer to Связывание внешних библиотек for details about binding to external libraries.


If your module is meant to be accessed from the running project (not just from the editor), you must also recompile every export template you plan to use, then specify the path to the custom template in each export preset. Otherwise, you'll get errors when running the project as the module isn't compiled in the export template. See the Compiling pages for more information.

Compiling a module externally

Compiling a module involves moving the module's sources directly under the engine's modules/ directory. While this is the most straightforward way to compile a module, there are a couple of reasons as to why this might not be a practical thing to do:

  1. Having to manually copy modules sources every time you want to compile the engine with or without the module, or taking additional steps needed to manually disable a module during compilation with a build option similar to module_summator_enabled=no. Creating symbolic links may also be a solution, but you may additionally need to overcome OS restrictions like needing the symbolic link privilege if doing this via script.

  2. Depending on whether you have to work with the engine's source code, the module files added directly to modules/ changes the working tree to the point where using a VCS (like git) proves to be cumbersome as you need to make sure that only the engine-related code is committed by filtering changes.

So if you feel like the independent structure of custom modules is needed, lets take our "summator" module and move it to the engine's parent directory:

mkdir ../modules
mv modules/summator ../modules

Compile the engine with our module by providing custom_modules build option which accepts a comma-separated list of directory paths containing custom C++ modules, similar to the following:

scons custom_modules=../modules

The build system shall detect all modules under the ../modules directory and compile them accordingly, including our "summator" module.


Any path passed to custom_modules will be converted to an absolute path internally as a way to distinguish between custom and built-in modules. It means that things like generating module documentation may rely on a specific path structure on your machine.

Улучшение системы сборки для разработки


This shared library support is not designed to support distributing a module to other users without recompiling the engine. For that purpose, use GDNative instead.

So far, we defined a clean SCsub that allows us to add the sources of our new module as part of the Godot binary.

This static approach is fine when we want to build a release version of our game, given we want all the modules in a single binary.

However, the trade-off is that every single change requires a full recompilation of the game. Even though SCons is able to detect and recompile only the file that was changed, finding such files and eventually linking the final binary takes a long time.

Решение для избежания таких расходов это сборка собственного модуля как общей(shared) библиотеки которая динамически загрузится при старте нашей игры.

# SCsub


sources = [

# First, create a custom env for the shared library.
module_env = env.Clone()

# Position-independent code is required for a shared library.

# Don't inject Godot's dependencies into our shared library.
module_env['LIBS'] = []

# Define the shared library. By default, it would be built in the module's
# folder, however it's better to output it into `bin` next to the
# Godot binary.
shared_lib = module_env.SharedLibrary(target='#bin/summator', source=sources)

# Finally, notify the main build environment it now has our shared library
# as a new dependency.

# LIBPATH and LIBS need to be set on the real "env" (not the clone)
# to link the specified libraries to the Godot executable.


# SCons wants the name of the library with it custom suffixes
# (e.g. ".x11.tools.64") but without the final ".so".
shared_lib_shim = shared_lib[0].name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

Once compiled, we should end up with a bin directory containing both the godot* binary and our libsummator*.so. However given the .so is not in a standard directory (like /usr/lib), we have to help our binary find it during runtime with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PWD/bin/"


You have to export the environment variable. Otherwise, you won't be able to run your project from the editor.

On top of that, it would be nice to be able to select whether to compile our module as shared library (for development) or as a part of the Godot binary (for release). To do that we can define a custom flag to be passed to SCons using the ARGUMENT command:

# SCsub


sources = [

module_env = env.Clone()

if ARGUMENTS.get('summator_shared', 'no') == 'yes':
    # Shared lib compilation
    module_env['LIBS'] = []
    shared_lib = module_env.SharedLibrary(target='#bin/summator', source=sources)
    shared_lib_shim = shared_lib[0].name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
    # Static compilation
    module_env.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, sources)

Now by default scons command will build our module as part of Godot's binary and as a shared library when passing summator_shared=yes.

Finally, you can even speed up the build further by explicitly specifying your shared module as target in the SCons command:

scons summator_shared=yes platform=x11 bin/libsummator.x11.tools.64.so

Написание собственной документации

Написание документации может выглядеть скучным занятием, но вообще крайне рекомендуется документировать ваши новые модули чтобы делать их легче для пользователей и извлекать из этого выгоду. Не говоря уж о том что код который вы написали один год назад может быть спутан с кодом который был написан другим человеком, так что будьте добры к самим себе!

Существует много шагов для установки собственной документации в модуль:

  1. Создайте новую папку в корне модуля. Имя папки может быть любым, но мы используем doc_classes в этом разделе.

  2. Now, we need to edit config.py, add the following snippet:

    def get_doc_path():
        return "doc_classes"
    def get_doc_classes():
        return [

The get_doc_path() function is used by the build system to determine the location of the docs. In this case, they will be located in the modules/summator/doc_classes directory. If you don't define this, the doc path for your module will fall back to the main doc/classes directory.

The get_doc_classes() method is necessary for the build system to know which registered classes belong to the module. You need to list all of your classes here. The classes that you don't list will end up in the main doc/classes directory.


You can use Git to check if you have missed some of your classes by checking the untracked files with git status. For example:

user@host:~/godot$ git status

Example output:

Untracked files:
    (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

  1. Теперь мы можем генерировать документацию:

We can do this via running Godot's doctool i.e. godot --doctool <path>, which will dump the engine API reference to the given <path> in XML format.

In our case we'll point it to the root of the cloned repository. You can point it to an another folder, and just copy over the files that you need.

Команда запуска:

user@host:~/godot/bin$ ./bin/<godot_binary> --doctool .

Now if you go to the godot/modules/summator/doc_classes folder, you will see that it contains a Summator.xml file, or any other classes, that you referenced in your get_doc_classes function.

Edit the file(s) following Внесение вклада в справочник классов and recompile the engine.

Once the compilation process is finished, the docs will become accessible within the engine's built-in documentation system.

In order to keep documentation up-to-date, all you'll have to do is simply modify one of the XML files and recompile the engine from now on.

If you change your module's API, you can also re-extract the docs, they will contain the things that you previously added. Of course if you point it to your godot folder, make sure you don't lose work by extracting older docs from an older engine build on top of the newer ones.

Note that if you don't have write access rights to your supplied <path>, you might encounter an error similar to the following:

ERROR: Can't write doc file: docs/doc/classes/@GDScript.xml
   At: editor/doc/doc_data.cpp:956

Adding custom editor icons

Similarly to how you can write self-contained documentation within a module, you can also create your own custom icons for classes to appear in the editor.

For the actual process of creating editor icons to be integrated within the engine, please refer to Editor icons first.

Once you've created your icon(s), proceed with the following steps:

  1. Make a new directory in the root of the module named icons. This is the default path for the engine to look for module's editor icons.

  2. Move your newly created svg icons (optimized or not) into that folder.

  3. Recompile the engine and run the editor. Now the icon(s) will appear in editor's interface where appropriate.

If you'd like to store your icons somewhere else within your module, add the following code snippet to config.py to override the default path:

def get_icons_path():
    return "path/to/icons"



  • используйте GDCLASS для наследования, чтобы Godot мог распознать класс

  • используйте _bind_methods для связки ваших функций для скриптинга, и разрешите им работать как обратные вызовы для сигналов.

Но это еще не все, в зависимости от того что вы делаете, вы столкнётесь с некоторыми (надеемся позитивными) сюрпризами.

  • Если вы наследуете от Node (или другого наследника ноды, такой как Sprite), ваш новый класс будет показан в редакторе, в дереве наследований в диалоге "Add Node".

  • Если вы наследуете от Resource, он будет показан в списке ресурсов, и все ваши открытые свойства будут сериализованы во время загрузки/сохранения.

  • Следуя той же логике, вы можете расширить возможности Редактора и почти любой области движка.